The Future of QR Codes.
In the absence of Line, there is clarity.
Hand drawn in Bermuda.
The Praying Mantis has always been a spectacular insect to me. Fascinating and dangerous, it’s face is recognizable in any setting these days. Not to be reckoned with.
This fist represents the power of the movement that is upon us. It is strong, unwielding and will continue to push forward until racism has been disestablished. Doing this piece is an honor, and all proceeds will be donated to #BlackLivesMatter.
The scarab is jewel like, in is historic representations from Egyptian culture and it’s place in the insect world. Strong, protected and beautiful.
“O C T O” is inspired by the Octopus, an intelligent creature who's essence embodies futility and cunning. An inspiring creature for sure. This piece is heavier on the "ink" than others. ;)
The Eternal Fire
The heart of the automotive world. “PISTON” was designed for a colleague, who will be tattooing it on their body. Honored to have designed this for him and decided the automotive world could use one more representation of the ever powerful piston.
Travel through to the linear dimension.
“ S H A T T E R “ was one of the earliest pieces, created in 2012. Designed to emulate a crack, traveling through a surface, it’s energy is strong and definitive. This layout has potential for future works.
A summer morning, and a tree reaches out across a sunlit river.
Drawn for Mama. <3
Finding Nemo anyone?
Drawn apart, brought together.
Breaking Bad has taught us all something…
Two Worlds collide, an image capturing a millisecond second of history.
Invoked by movement, THE DANCE is fluid and dynamic while being interpretive and cohesive. The piece was finished to a wide array of music, giving it the shapes that hold it together.
Drawn originally on my arm as a tattoo, I followed my veins and tried to portray the ink coursing through my body. Reaching through the cells to reach the pen tip.
An outlier in the series, MINIMAL was a fun exercise to create the space, with fewer shapes than usual.
The sun’s rays blanket the Earth with their warmth.